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Small Beam Reflectors for Bike Wheels - Neon

15.00 €
13.95 € customers price

Increase your visibility
By bike, we do not hear you! It is therefore paramount to be visible.
Ultra easy to install, with a wide selection of colors, these reflectors * with catadippes lit as magic in the light of the headlights and make you more visible.
• 360 ° visibility
• Pack of 12 units
• Length: 8 cm
• Adapt to all standard rays of 1.8 to 2 mm (bicycle, cargo bike, wheelchair, etc.)

How it works ?
Glass microbeadscontained in your reflectors, also called catadioprists, reflect in the dark under a light source as well, eThere are 360 ​​° visible.
In other words, the car arrives from left or right, whether you are in maneuver or you went straight, your reflectors will shine under the light of the headlights. *

Each stick has an opening that allows you to clip it on the radius. Once in place, reflectors for bicycle rays do not move anymore.

How many reflectors by wheels
Our reflectors are sold by Pack of twelve, however there are no rules. Some like to put a lot, others prefer them by small keys. On our bike, we made the choice of a wheel packet.

Tested for you
• Altis Play tested them for you, we publishhereHis video, with his permission of course.
• At Rainette, none of our accessories are placed on the market before being tested by the team. Our reflectors, we test them on a daily basis on our bikes, in heat wave, rain, snow. For 18 months, they always illuminate our nocturnal trips.

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