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Small Case with 24 Worlds Best Wax Crayons - Les Popipop

38.00 €
35.34 € customers price

Every customers favorite and surely worlds best crayons! If unsure stop by my tiny toy shop to try them out! :) You will be in AWE! 

Ideal to take out and about!

Small case with 24 wax crayons for the youngest children, superb colours that glide over the paper, with a top and body in plastic to keep their hands clean. Simply turn the little wheel for the wax to come out. Easily washes off fabric.

Yellow, red, blue, green, these are the colours of their world...
1,2,3 pop, 4, 5, 6, popi, 7 popipop jump on the bus for a ride around the square. Round and round and round the square...
making up stories as they go.



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